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Title Category Author Date

Modwheel Bass Banjo

The original Bass Banjo is a one-of-a-kind instrument made by David Donaldson and Stuart Porter back in the 1980s, for use in an outdoor marching band.
2 patches of Bass Banjo with 4 round robins and multiple articulations
5 patches of BangOn Sidekick percussion sounds, drum programming and Arpeggiator
3 synth patches created using the Bass Banjo samples

Libraries obegu 15.07.2019 2

Pripyat Pianos

PRIPYAT Pianos is a sound museum, created 33 years after a massive man-made disaster that has affected hundreds of thousands of lives.
We’ve found and recorded 20 instruments in various parts of Pripyat that are of different levels of preservation and functionality. This amount of instruments was necessary to create a tool suitable not only for sound design, but also for writing compositions.

Libraries obegu 01.07.2019 3
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