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Title Category Author Date

audiopro – ETERNITY ADULT CHOIR (complete)


audiopro – ETERNITY ADULT CHOIR Expanded (complete)

Thank you in advance <3

Libraries soundtester 03.02.2024 0

Spitfire Audio - Eric Whitacre Choir

Hard-wired to humanity, nothing gets to the heart of music like the human voice – and Spitfire’s most anticipated release to date is a choir that captures the breathtaking range of our most personal musical instrument. Crafted and conducted by Grammy winner Eric Whitacre and showcasing his elite family of singers, this encyclopaedia of the voice will enrich your composition. It will also blow away any dusty perception of the choir as a niche, occasional ingredient, reserved for angels and demons. With these sounds at your fingertips, you will start to think differently about the human voice. For this library, we returned to the luxury of Lyndhurst Hall at Air Studios, which means Eric Whitacre Choir shares the acoustic DNA of Spitfire’s orchestral catalogue, and will work hand in hand with those libraries.


Libraries soundtester 12.03.2019 1
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