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Title Category Author Date

Kontakt Factory Library 6

The new version of the Kontakt Factory Library with the blue Cover.

Libraries charliestooks 23.03.2021 0

Audio Imperia Nucleus

Libraries BullShane 23.03.2021 0

Ultra Future House Vocals 2

Ultra Future House Vocals 2 Vandalism

Libraries rewilevi 22.03.2021 0

MPC Expansion "Soul Provider 3" Standalone (WAV) (MAC)

Libraries 4thMeasure 22.03.2021 1

james hurr - how to make a tech house no1

James Hurr is one of the most prolific producers in the industry - you may not know his name (yet), but we guarantee you’ll know his iconic sound. His work fills the Beatport charts, is played almost weekly on radio stations like BBC Radio 1, and he engineers for high profile artists like Mark Knight, Leftwing:Kody, Prok & Fitch and Full Intention.

In short: James Hurr is pretty damn good at making tech-house.

Learning Grob90 21.03.2021 2

Cherry Audio Eight Voice

Our most ambitious instrument to date, Cherry Audio’s Eight Voice polyphonic synthesizer meticulously emulates the immense sound of the Oberheim Eight Voice, one of the world’s rarest and most desirable vintage instruments. Predating modern microprocessor control, its eight independent dual-oscillator voice modules could be challenging to program. Cherry Audio Eight Voice’s unique Voice Link controls allow simple and powerful grouping of voice module controls, eliminating individually setting each module's controls when homogenous poly sounds are desired. Focus buttons allow instant enlargement of any section of the user interface, making sound programming a breeze, and massively flexible keyboard assign modes enable endless mono and poly keyboard zoning and layering options. All in all, we’ve transformed the original’s daunting user interface into a fun and inviting mondo poly synth experience.

Above all, Eight Voice knocks it out of the park with an incredibly accurate and huge sound, courtesy of award-winning synth designer Mark Barton’s (MRB) detailed emulation of the magnificent Oberheim state-variable filter. Eight Voice also includes a feature-packed eight-step “mini” sequencer, and high quality modulation delay and reverb effects. Cherry Audio’s Eight Voice is truly bursting with unique sound possibilities at an unbelievably affordable price!

Software Ketch50 21.03.2021 1

Tony Maserati Mixing Lifeboats Episode 4-5 (

Learning qcgermanboy 21.03.2021 1

Start to Finish: Jacquire King - Episode 19 - 20 (

Learning qcgermanboy 21.03.2021 1


Learning qcgermanboy 21.03.2021 1

DLMT Track From Scratch

Learning MattPosch 20.03.2021 1

FL Studio 20.8.2

Software rewilevi 20.03.2021 6

soniccouture Nyckelharpas

Libraries BullShane 19.03.2021 1

Xperimenta Kantele Vst

Libraries BullShane 19.03.2021 2

Cubase Pro 11

A Full Version of Cubase 11 Pro

Software BullShane 19.03.2021 1



Libraries rzalac 19.03.2021 0

E Funk Synth by Audiolounge

Official link :
Must have for funk production.

Libraries roms53 19.03.2021 1


Libraries Agehasandayo 19.03.2021 0


Libraries Agehasandayo 19.03.2021 0

SoundSpot NEVO vst

Software 4thMeasure 19.03.2021 1

Nuendo 11

Any chance of this hitting soon? The workflow for video integration is great!

Software arkain 18.03.2021 0
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