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Title Category Author Date

Black Octopus AMBIX

Libraries Oadbyone 20.07.2020 0

Win 10 Pro

I know it's not music but i see premiere pro on the site so i try..
I'm looking for Win 10 Pro x64.

Have a great day !

Software roms53 18.07.2020 0

Isotonik Factoid

Factoid is a Max For Live device that allows you to create endless rhythmical variations of audio clips. It uses machine learning to decompose a sound into a set of layers that are randomly shifted in time to change the temporal structure of the clip. Create new drum patterns on-the-fly, turn melodies into textures, randomize full mixes and experiment with any kind of sound!

Software Zipppo 17.07.2020 0

Isotonik Factorsynth 2

Factorsynth 2 is a new kind of musical tool. It uses machine learning techniques to decompose any input sound into a set of temporal and spectral elements.

By rearranging and modifying these elements you can do powerful transformations to your clips, such as removing notes or motifs, creating new ones, randomizing melodies or timbres, changing rhythmic patterns, remixing loops in real time, creating complex sound textures…

Libraries Zipppo 17.07.2020 0

OneKnob Series

Produce classic sounds quickly and powerfully with these 8 single-knob plugins, including filter, reverb, distortion, compression, bass boost, treble boost, auto-sidechaining and brick-wall limiting effects.

Libraries sarah white 17.07.2020 0

Latin Kitchen Vol 2

info: Taste the Latin Flavor. Nothing cooks better than a Latino Sound in your music. A amazing collection of Tropical Latin Percussion, Piano, Bass, Brass and more. When you need a Latin Sound, go to the The Home of the Sonidos.

website link :

Libraries Rashad Harris 17.07.2020 0

kits kreme world percussion

info: 'World Percussion' is a collection of loops and one-shot samples created by a variety of percussion instruments from around the globe. Included in this collection of world percussion are loops and hits from Africa, India, Latin America and the Middle East. Use these rhythmic samples to add a taste of culture to your next project.

website link:

Libraries Rashad Harris 17.07.2020 0

Mambito's Percussion Loops

INFO: Music producer, Anatome, presents Mambito's Percussion Loops. A bodega full of authentic Latin influenced percussion loops and sounds including Conga, Bongo, Clave, Guiro, Shaker/Maracas, Cha-Cha Bell, Cowbell, and Jam Block. The collection is complete with a balance of processed and unprocessed sounds. Distributed by CREATE.Digital Music.


Libraries Rashad Harris 17.07.2020 0

REQ: Patchbanks B- Side Breaks

info: An exclusive Sounds collection featuring 18 original drum loops processed with a vintage mono crunch sound.

website link:

Libraries Rashad Harris 17.07.2020 0

Nice collection of Pop and Dance remakes.

Libraries nuel2001 16.07.2020 0

Zenhiser Subliminal

Subliminal pushes the boundaries of electronic music by fusing Deep House with the synthesised melodies of majestic Progressive House. This melting pot of untouched sounds is an absolute goldmine just waiting to be used. If you need sonic inspiration to offer a refreshing new take on the Deeper sound of House then this stockpile is for you.

The superb collection of sophisticated samples, loops, stems, midi, one shots, fx, vocals and more are masterfully layered with soulful undertones, which allows the construction of complex arrangements with ease. Over 5GB of harmonious sounds, tight basslines, explorative synth lines, oldskool hints of yesteryear classics, deep impactive chords and after-hours rhythms makes Subliminal the ultimate polished sample pack for producer aficionados. The broad spectrum of possibilities supplied by full songs with individual stems, full mix loops with each part supplied, accompanying Midi plus a wealth of one shots, drum sounds and FX makes this intricately programmed masterpiece a future proof classic.

All sounds in this Deep pack are 100% royalty free and come in 24-Bit Wav. Midi is included as standard, tempo & key information is file tagged where applicable with everything in it’s respective folder, named simplistically and ready for immediate download after purchase. From deep and heavy to uplifting and sublime this aptly named sample pack from Zenhiser has all your Deep House sounds and Progressive House samples covered.

Libraries rernofficial 14.07.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Strange Pulses (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Hybrid Pulses V.1.1 (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

8Dio - Blendstrument Motion Textures (KONTAKT)

Libraries Antitone 13.07.2020 0

Kilohearts Phase Plant 1.8.5 OSX

Phase Plant is a sound designer's dream come true
Whether you just installed your first DAW, you’re looking for inspiration to follow up that award-winning single you produced last year, or you’ve been tasked with creating the sound of a hot broadsword slashing through ice for an online game, we have what you need.
Phase Plant gives you more options and flexibility than you can shake a stick at, to make things as big or small as you need without compromising the workflow. All in one box.

Software itsan 13.07.2020 0

Libraries kikolmx 12.07.2020 3

BBK Audio - All Packs ( Todo En Uno )

Libraries kikolmx 12.07.2020 1

Weiss Complete Collection

Software ha33y 11.07.2020 4

Output Thermal

Software nomercy123 11.07.2020 3

The Andres Torres & Mauricio Rengifo Sample Pack

Libraries kikolmx 09.07.2020 2
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