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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
The Unarchiverwhen Keka doesn't work this will. its good to have both as an option. |
Libraries | r5fiyahbeats | 15.06.2020 | ||
Software | qcgermanboy | 15.06.2020 | ||
Libraries | kikolmx | 15.06.2020 | ||
PATCHBANKS Rhythm & Breaks Vol 2'Rhythm and Breaks Vol 2' from Patchbanks is a brand new original collection of multi-track loops for avid music producers in search of the best Royalty-Free Hip Hop samples available within the online sample domain. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 15.06.2020 | ||
BABY Audio Super VHS & Comeback Kid |
Software | charliestooks | 15.06.2020 | ||
ezx latin cuban drums |
Libraries | catselidis | 14.06.2020 | ||
Audiotent // MorphBuchla inspired Techno Samples |
Libraries | labtekdnb | 14.06.2020 | ||
PULSE // Serum Techno Presetsmodular Techno presets for Serum |
Libraries | labtekdnb | 14.06.2020 | ||
G-Sonique DUBXHOX H8Special Multi-Band Distortion / Waveshaping Unit + Effector |
Software | HeckslaOne | 14.06.2020 | ||
G-Sonique Neurofunker XG6G-Sonique Neurofunker XG6 is a modern plug-in Multi-Instrument / Rompler created for Drum 'n' Bass & Neurofunk!!!! |
Software | HeckslaOne | 14.06.2020 | ||
Mix with the masters - Inside the track #34 - Malamente |
Learning | qcgermanboy | 14.06.2020 | ||
Musical Sampling RenegadeKontakt |
Libraries | Jawad | 13.06.2020 | ||
big fish audio Funk Soul Vintage Strings LoopsFunk Soul Vintage String Loops is the latest release in the new Vintage Loop series, produced by Funk/Soul Productions and available exclusively from Big Fish Audio. Vintage String Loops was inspired by the distinctive sounding violin sections heard on so many classic Funk, Soul, and R&B records from the 1960s and 70s. The string parts on those records were recorded using smaller violin sections, with the parts double-tracked. This gave them a uniquely intimate sound that was very different from the type of orchestral strings found on most modern virtual instruments. We used a similar technique when recording Vintage String Loops, so you can now add that soulful sound to your own productions. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 13.06.2020 | ||
Pilgrim beats, treesoundsanything with they name attacted to it I need. |
Libraries | djwaynefoo | 13.06.2020 | ||
crate league Tabs 1,2,3,Crate League Tabs 1,2, and 3 |
Libraries | yoodle | 13.06.2020 | ||
scaler 2 macscaler 2 mac |
Software | yoodle | 13.06.2020 | ||
Sonic Academy Artist Series Deep Tech House with Vince Watson TUTORiAL |
Learning | crackerboi | 11.06.2020 | ||
loopmasters dimensions soundsLoopmasters team up with the Cuban musical organisation Manana for an exclusive sample collection of Afro Cuban percussion and keys. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 11.06.2020 | ||
loopmasters latin afroLoopmasters present Latin Afro, an exotic collection of soulful musicality and irresistible grooves transported to you directly from the heart of the Latin Americas. This 100% royalty free selection of cultural expressions will serve as a deep source of inspiration for years to come! |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 11.06.2020 | ||
House of loop south america percussionThis “South America Percussion” sample pack is the perfect way to add a Latin or World-music flair to your productions. Electronic drum machines and digital samples are incredible, but they might sometimes lack that organic vibe you can only get from an acoustic percussion. Inspired by the folk drumming styles popularized by musicians in South American countries, this package features all of the iconic sounds you would expect from a percussion ensemble: from clave tones, down to cowbells, bongos, and shakers, this package has got you covered. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 11.06.2020 |