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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
AIYN ZAHEV SOUNDS – THRU-ZERO VOL.1 MASSIVE X TRANCE PRESETSWelcome to this new collection of Massive X Presets by Aiyn Zahev Sounds – Thru-Zero Vol.1. Next to the inspiring collection of MIDI files and Audio stems from the demo, this soundset contains 85 Presets for the all new Native Instruments Massive X synthesizer! Featuring a precise and powerful audio engine, with a huge palette of wavetables and shaping FX. Here at AZS we’ve made sure to explore this amazing engine while staying focused and true to modern dance sound. Above all, Thru-Zero explores a dark tech-trance atmosphere, treading the line between abstract and classic synth sounds from techno and trance genres. |
Libraries | Andyk1616 | 04.06.2020 | ||
AIYN ZAHEV SOUNDS – THRU-ZERO VOL.1 MASSIVE X TRAMV PRESETSWelcome to this new collection of Massive X Presets by Aiyn Zahev Sounds – Thru-Zero Vol.1. Next to the inspiring collection of MIDI files and Audio stems from the demo, this soundset contains 85 Presets for the all new Native Instruments Massive X synthesizer! Featuring a precise and powerful audio engine, with a huge palette of wavetables and shaping FX. Here at AZS we’ve made sure to explore this amazing engine while staying focused and true to modern dance sound. Above all, Thru-Zero explores a dark tech-trance atmosphere, treading the line between abstract and classic synth sounds from techno and trance genres. |
Libraries | Andyk1616 | 04.06.2020 | ||
REQ: LA Fusion- Samples and loops (splice)Jazz, Funk Soul musicians Robin Duhe, Walfredo Reyes Jr. and Earl R. Johnson shared their mastery for improvisation at a Rubber Tracks pop-up studio in downtown LA. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 04.06.2020 | ||
REQ: Andreas Klein - Jazz Drums ( splice)An essential jazz drum "construction kit", including loops, and one-shots in various styles and tempos with brushes and sticks. |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 04.06.2020 | ||
REQ: Bendji Allonce- Percussion ( Splice) |
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 04.06.2020 | ||
Nyc all stars - horns for hits ( splice)
Libraries | Rashad Harris | 04.06.2020 | ||
Discovery - AbletunesRequesting this file. super sick deadmau5 beat. |
Libraries | elcrall | 03.06.2020 | ||
SOOTHE 2 & GullfossI need Soothe 2 and Gullfoss.. any link please.. |
Software | blufedf808 | 03.06.2020 | ||
Freshly Squeezed Samples Structure And ArrangementStructure and arrangement of songs . |
Learning | Akram | 03.06.2020 | ||
Axtone Academy CourseTutorial course from Axwell |
Learning | knarfdel | 03.06.2020 | ||
Spectrasonics - OmnisphereHello, |
Software | roms53 | 03.06.2020 | || ALK is a cross between a sequencer and a looper. Like a traditional looper, clips are performed live and subsequently looped to create layers of sound. Like in a sequencer, the loops can be drawn, moved, copied, cut and pasted in a musical arrangement. |
Software | houssamill | 03.06.2020 | ||
Auto-tune 9 pro |
Software | Alejandroarre1989 | 03.06.2020 | ||
ProPractice Piano Academy by Josh Wright |
Learning | mustafa335 | 02.06.2020 | ||
Sonance Sounds Sample Packs (Future Bounce, Dirty Tech, Bass House)Any Sonance Sounds packs |
Libraries | jacksontellerr | 02.06.2020 | ||
Howard Benson Vocals-JSTWould be good to try this out. |
Software | ha33y | 02.06.2020 | ||
Scaler 2 for WindowsMan I cant wit to try the Drag Audio feature |
Software | Ketch50 | 29.05.2020 | ||
Saspiro - slow emotive stringsSaspiro - Slow emotive strings |
Libraries | antoniskoll | 28.05.2020 | ||
Holy zenith loop kit |
Libraries | trapgeek28 | 27.05.2020 | ||
8dio SILKA Please!!!! |
Libraries | r5fiyahbeats | 26.05.2020 |