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Title Category Author Date

McDSP Everything Pack Plugin Bundle V.7 (Version 7)

Libraries BullShane 14.06.2024 5

Metric Halo Production Bundle V4

Libraries BullShane 13.06.2024 3


Libraries Fanhanho 13.06.2024 0

Acustica Audio Sand 4 Ultra

Libraries BullShane 11.06.2024 3

Acustica Audio Dove

Libraries BullShane 11.06.2024 3

Acustica Audio Wine

Libraries BullShane 11.06.2024 3

Acustica Audio SunGlow

Libraries BullShane 11.06.2024 3

.forward-audio - faguitaralign

Software nuel2001 11.06.2024 1

Synapse Audio – The Legend HZ (MAC OSX)

Synapse Audio – The Legend HZ (MAC OSX)

This is a special version of The Legend: Developed in collaboration with iconic and multiple-award-winning film composer Hans Zimmer, The Legend HZ recreates the sonic characteristics of the most famous vintage synthesizer of all times.
Multiple features have been added to The Legend HZ that were previously unavailable with The Legend. These include an additional three oscillators (and with them an added polyphony setting), a modulation matrix, a 32-step sequencer, an MSEG for added modulation controls, and an expanded effects section.

Software soundtester 09.06.2024 4

Softube Bus Processor

Libraries BullShane 09.06.2024 5

Softube Widener

Libraries BullShane 09.06.2024 4

Tube-Tech Blue Tone

Libraries BullShane 09.06.2024 4

Tube-tech SMC 2B

Libraries BullShane 09.06.2024 4


- Speakerphone 2
- Altiverb 8
- Indoor 2

Software Dispatcher 08.06.2024 4

Safari Pedals Gorilla Drive MAC OS

Software Mmmmh90 07.06.2024 2

Scuffham Amps S-Gear v3.2

Libraries BullShane 06.06.2024 2

Nordic Folk Strings

Libraries BullShane 06.06.2024 2

Geoffrey Day serum-presets


Libraries theegrinch 05.06.2024 0

from zero to pro

from zero to pro course from the youtuber icona boi in italian

Learning dvd 05.06.2024 2

Oversampled Sound Enhancers - Ear Candies, Fillers, Layers & More! (Sample Pack)

Sound Enhancers is a collection of sounds that will help you make your songs richer, fuller & more interesting. They will enhance your existing sounds in a track making them & the whole sections more alive. We have divided this pack into multiple setups in which it would be useful: enhancing drum sections, enhancing melodic sections, enhancing movement, transitions, backgrouns, adding tiny details that make a big difference and we have also included unique one-shots & signature sounds that can be your own!

When you're working on a section or on a particular sound simply drag&drop a particular sound enhancer to make the thing you're working on - better! It really is that simple! This pack is going to be your toolkit that you will keep at your fingertips while working on a track. When needing to improve a certain sound or a part of your song - simply access a relevant category and pull out a sound enhancer to enrichen that part!

This pack is also very versatile, so you can use it for so many different occassions - it just enhances your sounds!

Inside Sound Enhancers:

Melodic Enhancers - for making your melodic sections better
Detail Enhancers - for adding ear candies to your tracks
Sound Enhancers - enhancers that improve your individual sounds
Background Enhancers - adding flavor to the backgrounds of your tracks
Transition Enhancers - enhancing your song's transitions making them super smooth
Movement Enhancers - adding movement to your songs making them come to life
Style Enhancers - sounds that enhance your individual style

All Oversampled sounds are under a Royalty Free license.

Sound Format


Libraries faultysteam 05.06.2024 1
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